Sunday, June 3, 2007

Yoga for fertility

Have you ever heard that yoga aid fertility? Well I came across it while surfing the web for exercise to improve fertility. Anyway no harm trying for those who are inTTC.
Relax and enjoy is the key I suppose which I am now trying to as well.


There are certain yoga postures that are helpful to improving fertility that you or your partner might want to try. Such postures include:

supported bridge pose: lie on your back keeping your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Move your feet as close to your buttocks as you can. Inhale and exhale using deep, relaxing breaths, and then carefully raise your pelvis and buttocks off the floor, while maintaining your thighs and inner feet in a parallel position. Clasp your hands behind your back. Hold this pose for a minute or so while continuing to take deep, relaxing breaths.

legs on wall pose: lie on the ground with your buttocks close to a wall. Slowly inhale and exhale, while extending your legs up the side of the wall. Rest your legs on the wall so that you create a 90-degree angle at your pelvis. Hold for two minutes and then release your legs slowly.

cobbler’s pose: sit on the floor with your legs stretched directly in front of you. Bring your feet toward your groin while inhaling slowly and push the soles of your feet together. Carefully lower your knees to the ground while clasping your toes. Maintain this posture, being careful so as not to strain your legs, for between one and five minutes.