Meridian Movements Chart
How many times have you joined a gym only to give up going after 3 weeks? It might have been because the way you exercise at a gym can remind you a lot of the exercise you get in life: Lift that load! Press that weight! Fight those situps! You wise up and quit the gym, opting for buying the equipment for your spare room. Pretty soon you're tread-milling or biking 10 mile mornings, while you drink your coffee and read the paper - great multi-tasking - but, you soon discover, ineffective at keeping you in shape.
Focus on the healing element of exercise.
Meridian exercise movements incorporate the 12 postures that are known to energize the 12 meridians. (illus) These postures are simple to learn and do. The movements require a sense of discipline and deep, continual breathing into the abdomen helps you maintain the posture. The body should be relaxed, with no muscle tightness, hip and spine alignment straight, knees slightly bent.
Keep your mind clear and focused on the posture.
Clearing our mind and focusing on the present moment can be difficult. Everyone has reasons not to be mentally present for exercise, as the details of our busy lives vie for our attention. It can seem ever more mentally interesting to rehash the gossip from work; or to go over a million retorts we should have given to the various assholes of the day; and even in the absence of any drama to dwell on, what’s for dinner can grab attention away from our body. heavenlyBODYworks teaches the health-giving, rejuvenating aspects of body movement that brings a deep, healing quiet.